Tuesday 24 September 2013

Pop-Punk Video Analysis

Screen Grab One
This is a wide angle long shot of the entire band performing the song. This is a good way for the video to start as it gives you a sense that the video will be performance heavy. The band perform for about five seconds at this stage of the video but there is no editing it is just the camera zooming from a hight angle into a medium close up of the drummer.

Screen Grab Two
When the camera movement stops at the drummer the editing pace picks up and it changes to more shots of the drummer playing. This change happens roughly around the same time that the bass drum is hit. The fast editing here is necessary because it helps keep the video fast moving like the music and this will help the person watching it keep interested.

Screen Grab Three
The video then cuts to the narrative side which is less heavily featured as pop-punk tends to be more about performing and instruments than telling a story.

Screen Grab Four
This High angle long shot looking up at people running is one of the few sections of narrative footage. They have made it so the camera is focused on the foreground while the background is blurred. This tactic is used to make the video edgy and dynamic so that it will have more association to the pop-punk genre.

Screen Grab Five
In this shot they use a rig that allows them to move from an extreme long shot to a mid shot of the band. They have used this shot to add excitement to the build up of the music because at this point there is a lull in the song and when the shot has moved to the mid shot of the band the music kicks in again.

Screen Grab Six
This shot is a close up of the rhythm guitarist playing the guitar. Again this sort of shot and content is associated with the pop punk genre. The reason for this is so that the audience can see that the band can actually play the instruments unlike in other genres.

Screen Grab Seven
This is a continuation of the narrative in which the main protagonist, the singer, is walking towards the camera and a passer by that is running the opposite way tries to drag him away. They use a mid shot and track for this shot as the camera follows the movement of the singer and moves backwards.

Screen Grab Eight 
This part of the video uses a swoopy camera shot that starts at the top right and zooms down towards the guitarist. This shot settles on a close up of the guitarists face. This type of shot is common in the pop punk genre because it shows all of the action and can include the whole band moving about in a very punk way.

Screen Grab Nine
This is the penultimate shot of the narrative where everything starts to explode. The camera movements tries to portray that the explosions are actually happening by using shaky movements. This is also common within the pop-punk genre as it makes the video look fast moving and  action packed.

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