Monday 23 September 2013

Music Videos and Society

Music videos have been around for many years in one form or another but they really took off in the early 80's with the creation of MTV which played music videos 24/7. The first video to be played on MTV was Video Killed The Radio Strar by Buggles.

With people being able to access music videos all the time it became increasingly more important what you wore and how you acted. This in turn gave birth to the diffrent social groups e.g. mods and rockers.

Over the years music videos have stood out for diffrent reassons; some for being influencial and some for pushing the bounderies of what people class as acceptable.
Some of the most controversial music videos include;
  • Heart shaped Box by Nivarna. This video featured scenes that involved a young child dressed in the same attire as the Ku Klux Klan looking at a tree decorated with unbore babies. It's safe to say it offended pretty much everyone.

Don't you want me by The huma league had a music video that was a film within a film and was a huge step out of the norm for music videos then.

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